Your wisdom teeth are typically the last teeth to develop. There is sometimes not enough room to accommodate the wisdom teeth which impedes their ability to erupt into the mouth correctly. In some cases, the wisdom teeth will partially emerge through the gums and can result in cavities, crowding, or gum infections. Wisdom teeth will often develop diagonally and horizontally, causing significant problems. This uneven development may be responsible for a myriad of oral health problems which include teeth crowding and damage to the adjacent second molars.
When there is not enough space for the wisdom teeth to erupt at all, they can cause pain in the gums and bone as they shift. This is known as ‘Impacted Wisdom Teeth.’ When your wisdom teeth are impacted, the opening around the teeth may become a fertile ground for bacteria to start developing and may lead to an infection in the gum tissues. As a result of this infection, you may experience discomfort, swelling, pain, and illness. The early removal of impacted wisdom teeth is often recommended to avoid future problems and avoid costly surgical procedures.